Friday, January 29, 2010

When The Notes Add Up

I recently moved into my first apartment. The thing about it is that the apartment belongs to my new Graduate School. It's not like I truly moved out on my own. I moved into an apartment owned by a college that is owned by the state. Does that make me pathetic?

As I sit at my desk, in my bedroom of this little apartment, all I see is sticky notes attached to my wall. These notes can tell me anything. For some people the notes would list friends contact information, or times and dates of their plans. What do mine have on them? Nothing nearly as fun. I can tell you when the shuttle leave my apartment so that I can get back and forth to my classes, I can give you the number I need to log into a new bank account, or I could give you an exact amount of money that I owe someone. My notes add up to a pretty uneventful life.

Why do we allow ourselves to judge ourselves as harshly as we do? Why can't I look at my notes and just smile. I should be able to see that these notes add up to accomplishments that everyone doesn't have. Yes I have a note that tell me when to take the shuttle, but this adds up to the fact that I made a new step in my life... I went to Graduate School. I can give you the bank account number, but this adds up to the fact that I must have some money because I was able to open a new account. The last one, the one that show's I owe money to someone. Well, this one can be hard for me to handle. I think this one adds up to show me that there are people out there who will catch you when you fall. I guess these notes really can add up.

My new goal for myself... I want to leave more notes. I want notes that I can see the positive in right away. I want to leave them everywhere for myself. Maybe soon I'll be able to see my notes as something that is positive instead of something that is negative.

Notes, who knew that they could add up so fast.

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